


My name is Alex I’m 30 years old. I started smoking cigarettes at the age of 14 and and continued to smoke a pack a day for the next 14 years. At the age of 27 I started vaping nicotine vape juice and I am now 3 years smoke-free and haven’t looked back.

Flavors play a very big role when it comes to getting off of cigarettes. I Vaped blueberry French toast and for me it worked. If all there was was tobacco flavor I would not have been able to get off of cigarettes. Fruit flavors, dessert flavors, candy flavors these matter to us adults trying to get off cigarettes. Flavors save lives, Vaping saves lives. vaping nicotine vape juice is a 95% less harmful alternative to smoking and as an adult as an American I have that right to make that choice. The Royal college of physicians have determined it is 95% less harmful than smoking!

The same people who said that cigarettes would cause cancer 20 YEARS before the United States said that.

I’m a single issue voter, vaping has saved my life and I oppose the flavor ban!

How many years did you smoke?  14
How long have you been vaping?  3
Favorite Flavor to Vape? Cornbread pudding
Did Flavors help you quit? Yes!
Should vaping be banned? No!